Food Truck Menus

Mac Attack
Serving: Gourmet Mac and Cheese
Payment: Cash or Check
You can find their Facebook page here.

Daddy's Cookout

Serving: Burgers, tacos, speciality fries, sides
Payment:  All forms - except check
You can find their website here, and their facebook page here.


Serving: Tacos 
Payment: Cash/Card
You can find their facebook page here

Chef on the Run

Serving: Mediterranean Options
Payment: Cash/Card
You can find their facebook page here.

Rory’s Mini Doughnuts
Serving: Mini Doughnuts
Payment: Cash/Card
You can find their facebook page here.

Pound Cake Man

Serving: Specialty Pound Cake 
Payment: Cash/Card
You can find their website here: and their facebook page here:


Fall 2023 Bible Studies